Saturday, January 15, 2011

Lazy days

Since we came back from Brazil we have had some relaxing days...Jason is back to work but is teaching only one class during the Winter, so it's a lot easier for me having him around. We have really been enjoying some family time together.

As we have more time we decided this would be a good moment to try and finish Andrew's potty training. We had some setbacks because of the trip, so we knew the first days would not be easy - and, boy, they weren't. Basically the first two days we had mini battles at home, he just didn't want to do it. Once again we were reminded of how passionate (that's a good word) Andrew can be when he wants - or DOES NOT want to do something! However, WE have learned a lot of things about him and ourselves through this and once WE adjusted these, we started to have improvements. We still have steps to go, but are really glad to report that accidents have been rare :).

Our littlest one continues to develop so well. He can clap now, and sometimes sings when he hears music. Because he is reacting so well to music, we decided to get him started in a music class for babies.
Also, it has been fun to see Isaac's personality continue to flourish. He continues to be easygoing, BUT when he wants something he is not easily distracted; determination is definitely a strong trait of his personality. He is also very assertive: now that he points to let us know exactly what he wants, where he wants to go, and whom he wants at a particular time.

 Andrew playing at Pretend City - Irvine, CA
 First time eating spaghetti...
 With cousin Zoe

Day out with daddy: train ride and corn dogs.

That is it for today...just wanted to share a bit of what we have been experiencing with our beautiful boys these days.

Life is good and God has been good to us!

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